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Sunday, December 7, 2008

Another Kennedy In The Senate?

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg, may be considering going after Hillary Clinton's former Senate seat. For many years, Caroline, a 51 year old lawyer residing in Manhattan, has maintained living an intensely private life. She is the daughter of former President John F. Kennedy and Jackie Onassis. It has been reported by The New York Times that Governor David Paterson and Caroline had (what was called by the Governor) an "informational" conversation regarding the Senate. The Governor chooses Mrs. Clinton's replacement next month.
As reported in The New York Times, her relative RFK, Jr., was noted as saying, “I believe that she is considering it,” said her cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr.; “A lot of people the last couple of weeks have urged her to do it.” He spoke with Ms. Kennedy about it this past week. This Senate seat is the same one once held by her uncle, Robert F. Kennedy.

Would Caroline be up for running a campaign through out the 62 counties of New York? This remains to be seen, as many feminist organizations are getting ready to press Governor Paterson to fill the vacant Senate seat with a female.

(photo source: Kristin Mullen/The Citizen's Voice; article source:The New York Times)

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